When asked to comment on foreign language texts, we are traditionally offered lessons or translations. With Shakespeare there can be an assumption of inherent 'understanding'. However, for many, Shakespeare can be a foreign language.
Shakespeare Subtitled is an ongoing series of regularly released extracts designed to inspire, entertain and educate. Original language performances are complimented by modern language subtitles, using language barrier solutions to provide a jumping-off point for comprehension and further exploration of Shakespeare.
Shakespeare Subtitled encourages both traditional and unconventional casting and settings, in order to investigate new meanings and interpretations. Inspired by creativity and collaboration, artists are encouraged to experiment and play.
Supporting filmmakers, actors and other practitioners, extracts offer opportunities to new talent whilst celebrating those more established. Exciting visuals and thrilling performances aid viewers on their journey of understanding.
To find out more, get involved in the creation of extracts or learn about our workshops and education focus please get in touch, we'd love to hear from you.
For more information check out this article for the British Shakespeare Association: